Tuesday 10 July 2007

a nice initiative

today i encountered two blogs that caught my attention. i did not have time to read the second one, but i was really impressed by the first one. it is an initiative by a few young Muslims to protest against the discrimination of the Baha'is in the Middle East.
i think that these youth are a remarkable example of people that have understood Islam. the word Islam has two meanings: the first one being 'submission to God', and the second one being 'peace.' these youth have understood that their religion is one of peace, a fact that most of the western world loves to overlook in the light of increasing suicide bombings that are on the rise.
unfortunately these few aggressive Muslims are making life very difficult for their fellow Muslims who have to suffer the consequences of the actions of a few.
hopefully such laudable initiatives will result in more tolerance for other people's beliefs.
check out these blogs.



numerous people have commented on the first blog, with varying degrees of support/rejection. such exchange of opinions of course can be very healthy, but unfortunately there have been several comments of people who knew very little about either Islam or the Baha'i Faith, who were concerned primarily with expressing their frustration about life.
therefore i would like to urge everyone to independently investigate religions without being priorly influenced by so-called scholars.